Here are sum facts bout Kundur that you people might want to know (or maybe some of u know them already). Not interested? The "close" icon is just one click away. Enjoyz...
1. numero uno is my favourite i always wanna be the #1. being 2nd is never gud enuf for me.
2. i'm crazy about it: designer perfumes, RM5.99 (or izzit Rm6.99 nowadays?), attar, essential oils, potpourri, fresh-flowers, the kerosine (dont u people like it? i think it have the afrodisiac element in it...haha). i even once had a dettol bar besides my pillow so that i could sniff on it b4 i'm off to slumberland...
3. i do enjoy dangdut sumtimes. i think there is no difference between dangdut and any other genres. no kampungan, no 2nd class. as long as the song is worth listening to, kundur...layaaannnn...
4. i'm partially indian. but i dont get the dark-skinned genes from that part as my indian grandad is a north-indian guy himself, it's my malay grandma who's dark =)
5. i do crack some jokes, sumtimes. but mostly to people i'm comfortable with. sorry 1st-timers, i'm not snobbish, neither i'm str8-faced, but my jokes can be harsh sumtimes. dont want to hurt ur feeling n give myself a bad 1st impression.
6. very profesional when it come to works. ok la...almost "very-profesional". i believe in human-touch and "budi-bicara".
7. perfectionist. trying so hard to be one.
8. love to cook for people that i love and care for. so, sapa2 yg pernah merasa my cookings, that means i care for u =)
9. once suffered for two months, surviving by only eating RM1.20 sandwich for lunch, and a can of orange juice for dinner...every single day! (except for weekends..sbb balik rumah). dayumn PiTyPiTipu...they were the cause of PiTyPiTyMe...
10. when i was a little kid, i strongly believed that i'm the rebirth of a cabaret-dancer.
11. i love green...too much. but i dont wear the color that much, as my skintone refuse to blend with the color. i dont want to end up looking like a walking "tin milo".
12. i love purple, black and gold too.
13. still wishing that i have a career in showbiz. in the limelight or the man behind the scene. or maybe a lil bit of both.
14. i have a bad-temper...but i throw tantrums only when the case is caused by ridiculous actions/ideas from ridiculous people.
15. i love black girls a lot: naomi campbell, tyra banks, iman, beyonce, eva, bipasha basu, anggun, shafinaz and the list goes on....
16. i think naomi campbell rules the runway, but tyra banks takes amazing pictures.
17. i dont think victoria secret is the synonym of hawt.
18. moisturizer cause me extra-oily face (macam lah skarang muka x cukup minyak, boleh buat isi kereta and jalan from johor to perlis) and toner cause me a burning like symptoms. is thinking of SKII Miracle Water. Tapi sah-sah akan miskin tegar selepas itu.
19. i dont watch action movies. i think they put too much sfx in it that the movies lost their soul.
20. i love teen-movies (x payah pikir banyak, layan jer), romantic comedy ( i do have my soft-side too), love stories (i'm a big guy with even bigger heart), and muvies with ninjas-elements or magics in it (dont know y...but i just love them...)
21. hampir2 buat kawan masa kecik lemas. we we're racing towards a stuff (cant remember what's the stuff was), crossing a "titi" which crossing a "longkang", and i pushed her down, into the "longkang" so that i could come first (read #1). jahat. i know. no need to point it on my face now, as it happens 20years ago. sorry Linda, aku masih ingat ko nangis sambil dimandikan mak ko. nasib baik mak ko tak tolak aku dalam longkang yg lebih besar.
22. masa kecik aku jahat. aku suka kacau org sebelah rumah yg jual "suntong tutok"<--dunno how to describe this in other language. jadi nenek aku nak takutkan aku, she wore like a banshee and pegi umah sebelah (bcoz i was there, membaling gelang getah ke atas sotong yang tengah dibakar--pedajal bisnes orang). nak jadi cerita, aku xder effect apa2 masa tengok pontianak a.k.a nenek aku. yang kesiannya, bapak kawan aku merangkap jiran aku merangkap tokey kedai tu yang "demam terkejut" 2 hari (sedangkan dia tahu plan nenek aku dari awal lagi).
23. kat kampung aku x banyak kawan, sbb yang seusia aku kebanyakan pompuan. kitorang memang close la, cuma after 4.30pm sbb mak-pak diorang x kasi main masa hari masih panas. so aku selalu main berangan sorang kat tepi rumah. cakap sorang2. sampai sekarang pun aku kadang2 masih cakap sorang (especially kalau atas motorbike/skuter aku). bukan setakat bermonolog, kadang2 boleh jadi skrip drama radio.
24. part of a woman that i love: her eyes (i'm crazy about cat's eye type) . of a man: his sweet smile.
25. i'm comfortable being big. in fact, am lovin it. but i would love to have a porportionate body. now, my shoulder and boobs (yes, i have male-boobs. it runs in the family) are way too big for my beyonce's leg<---perasan nak mampus!
There are more to time....
Kemaafan yang terindah gittueww
Jam 7.10am lokasi dari p17 nak menghampiri simpang p16.
Sebuah Axia hijau masuk terus ke kiri walau laluan dia dah tamat hampir
masuk laluan kami.
Laki a...
5 years ago
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